
Thursday, March 24, 2011


In my previous post, I mentioned a flaw with the interaction between Elpis and it's Lua scripts. The issue consisted of an application 'stall' while using sleep/wait functions in Lua. Looking at how Lua scripts are being called from the C++ side of things, it becomes obvious why this was happening.

Figure - 0
If a script used a wait function, the screen would not update until it was over, because scene drawing was waiting for the script to end.

The quick work-around I had used in "Oh BeeHive!" was to tell Elpis to run a line of script in x amount time  and let Elpis take care of the delays each frame. A global script function had to be made available to call from Elpis. A rather poor excuse for a wait function if you ask me.

A Modified Design

A good implementation of sleep or wait might be used something like this:

function Character:Attack(target)
  while(target:IsAlive()) do
    wait(1000) -- 1 second reload time

My first idea was to have all scripts running in an individual thread, but reading around the Lua manuals, another method was introduced to me.

If a script could be paused mid execution, it would be possible to start a script, let it pause if it wants, and resume it on the next frame update. This would allow the above script to pause the script until 1000 milliseconds has elapsed without freezing the game. Of course, this will not be a high-performance timer, since it relies on frame rate, but this should do fine for the games I will be developing. A plus side to this way over a script thread at this point, is that Elpis' architecture doesn't need many changes.  Being a lone dev with few hours to spare... a plus indeed!

Enter Lua Coroutines! These little guys let you pause scripts and resume them later, as described earlier. Here is the method I use now to execute a function with coroutines:

void ExecuteFunction(std::string const& _func, script_argList const& _args)
  //Create a new thread and pop   store a reference to it
  lua_State* pState = lua_newthread(m_lua.get_state());
  int refKey = luaL_ref(m_lua.get_state(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
  //Get the function  (pushing it onto the stack) 
  lua_getglobal(pState, _func.c_str());

  PushArgsToState(pState, _args); 

  //Start/Resume the funciton call
  int res = lua_resume(pState, _args.size());
  if(res == LUA_YIELD)
    // Save the coroutine info for the next frame update
    AddYieldingCoroutine(pState, refKey, _func, _args);   

    // Pop the function from the stack
    lua_pop(pState, 1);
  else if(res)
    // Function complete, get returned values
    script_argList returnResults;
    GetReturnResults(pState, returnResults);   

    EventSystem.FunctionExecutionCompleted.invoke(_func, returnResults);       

    // Unreference the thread, allowing the GC to get rid of it at it's leisure
    luaL_unref(m_lua.get_state(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refKey);  

When a script function is called from Elpis, a new coroutine is created, arguments are pushed onto it's new stack and the function is called using 'lua_resume'.  If the Cfunction yield is called from the script, the coroutine is paused and stored in a list to be resumed on the next frame update. Once a function is completed, the return values are collected to the stack and a callback is executed to inform the caller that the function is complete. This callback event carries the return values with it.

The CFunction LuaYield looks like this:

int LuaYield(lua_State* L)
  return lua_yield(L, 1);

In lua, the wait function might look something like this:

function wait(duration)
  local totalElapsed = 0;
  local elapsedTime = GetFrameElapsedTime();
  if(elapsedTime ~= nil) then
    while(totalElapsed <= duration) do
      elapsedTime = GetFrameElapsedTime();
      totalElapsed = totalElapsed + elapsedTime;
      LuaYield(); --Call CFunction LuaYield

Issues Encountered

While testing out this new design, lua_newthread crashed intermittently. After a small bout of investigation, I discovered that the issue was being caused by a stack overload. New threads are pushed onto the stack, and in many cases this would be handled by the Lua Garbage Collector (GC), though this did not seem to be sufficient in this implementation. To solve this, I used luaL_ref and luaL_unref at key moments during the thread's life.

lua_State* pState = lua_newthread(m_lua.get_state());
int refKey = luaL_ref(m_lua.get_state(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

luaL_ref pops the top item off the stack (getting rid of it before it gets buried) and returns a unique integer reference key (so we can get rid of it later). Having a reference to the thread keeps the garbage collector from mistakenly destroying it before it's time. I store both the lua_State* and the reference key until it's time to kill the coroutine. At which point, luaL_unref is called to let the GC know it's safe to be rid of this thread.

luaL_unref(m_lua.get_state(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refKey);

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh BeHive!

During my adventures adding features to Elpis, I sidetracked and made a small game...a themed Connect 4 clone. This is a work in progress, and the graphics are all programmer art. A download link is provided at the bottom of this post.

The idea was to make a small game and hopefully discover some of the flaws in the design of the engine... Success! I have discovered flaws! For instance, using 'sleep' in the script will freeze the game until the wait is over. For now, I am using an ugly recursive 'delay' that is just too terrible to describe (if you're curious though, the lua code can be viewed in the download. Oh, and to protect my pride: I want those who will look at the code to know that it is prototypical, so much of it is untammed)

The Game
A strange mutation in honey bees has surfaced. These bees create an anti-honey, poisonous to the honeybees we know and ... love?

The mutant bee queen, unable to accept her mutation, intends to destroy that which serves as a reminder of her disability. She will stop at nothing to destroy the honeybees.

The honeybees have but one defense: Pure honey. Putrid to the mutants, the honeybees can amass large quantities of honey to defend their hives.

  • Left/Right - Move the new honey tile
  • Space - Drop the honey tile
  • Connect 4 of your honey tiles or anti-honey tiles to dominate the hive (vertically, horizontally or diagonally)
  • Winning a round grants you a point and removes a point from the other player (the hive bar at the top represents the power struggle)
  • If a player reaches 8 points, he is declared the winner
